Tag: predator
2016 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of the 20th Century Fox space shocker Alien. It’s hard to describe what it was like seeing that film in a theater for the first time, no preconceptions, no spoilers, no a clue as to what was ahead. I’m still trying to retrieve bits of the skin that I jumped out of. The spectacular H. R. Giger bio-mechanical designs for the facehugger, chestburster and the original xenomorph were all brand new to the horror genre, like the first time the Frankenstein monster stepped into view in 1931.
Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Alex de Campi
Penciller: Fernando Ruiz
Inker: Rich Koslowski
Colorist: Jason Millet
Cover Artist: Andrew Pepoy
#BFF’s, Battle Friends Forever…
The end is nigh but what started out as a “you can’t be serious” concept turned out to be a ridiculously fun excursion into post-millennial farce. Issue 4 of Dark Horse Comics‘ Archie Versus Predator finds the last few Riverdale residents intact preparing for their ultimate fight for survival, while also attempting to stay well appointed in the best of togs.
With a cover blurb like “Frenemies No More” it’s no spoiler to tell you that our forever teenage gal rivals Betty and Veronica make formidable foes for the extraterrestrial hunter in the finale.
Author Alex de Campi has kept the plot unpredictable and the action on high, ramping up the body count on an issue by issue basis. The swift scenarios almost make you forget that iconic characters are meeting their demise in the bloodiest of ways.
SkeletonPete Says…
From here I’m totally prepared to learn that My Little Pony is the God-Head overlord of the Engineers in Prometheus 2. Mr. Ridley Scott, if you’re listening, the old Hollywood axiom “If you can’t make it bigger, make it funnier” applies.
The Unmasked Predator Vinyl Bust Bank, shown here from its debut at New York Toy Fair 2015, was one of my favorite Diamond Select Toys reveals back in February. It’s the most detailed of bust banks so far, trumping even the cranial convolutions of DST’s Metaluna Mutant.
As you can see, the predator sculpt by Eli Livingston is amazingly accurate (note shoulder blaster) and beautifully scary. Livingston has modeled several of the earlier bust bank series, including The Wolfman. Most recently he’s designed the Alien egg with face hugger and Lovecraft Cthulu banks recently released by Diamond Select. It’ll probably be no surprise to learn that the sculptor also worked with original Alien xenomorph creator the late H. R. Giger on several jewelry pieces based around Giger’s art. The Bomben Skull Ring is one of my faves which began as the volume and tone knobs for Ibanez Guitars’ H. R. Giger signature model.
At 8” high and under $23 the Predator Bust Bank is both shelf and wallet friendly. If you like big ugly things (aside from your bowling buddies) hanging around the “man-cave” and eating your spare change, this one’s for you.
A Little Left of Lidsville…
Now that summer is here, tracking prey can be exhausting and sweaty work. Whether you’re Count Zaroff playing a most dangerous game in fog hollow or a yautja hunter chasing Betty and Veronica around Riverdale, you could most likely use a cool brew. Unfortunately twist-offs aren’t de rigueur in all parts of the universe. No need to worry. The just released Unmasked Predator Bottle Opener is an impressive bit of kit from Diamond Select Toys will ensure you have the right weapon to get a quaff quickly.
Though hitting the shelves this week, a wee bit late for Father’s Day, it would make a great conversation piece for collector dads at family picnics. Those who do not imbibe, or prefer cans and corks, can still enjoy its value as a beyond – the – ordinary refrigerator magnet, and a nice companion piece to DST’s Alien Xenomorph “church key” styled bottle opener.
SkeletonPete Says…
If utility is the order of the day for your continued collecting, then DST’s growing list of themed banks, pizza cutters, bottle openers, ice trays (and check out that Alien xenomorph Cookie Jar!) may be all you need to convince your spouse why this next purchase is must have for your household.
There Will Be Blood…
We’ve already given you the heads-up about Dark Horse Comics’ whacked out Archie Vs. Predator series. Now that the variant covers have been revealed it looks like it’s heads-off for the unsuspecting gang.
Artists Eric Powell and Francesco Francavilla take no prisoners in their gritty depictions of the rumble in the jungles of Costa Rica. Will the hunter from another planet run rampant ‘round Riverdale and really make a jug out of Jughead’s head? You’ll find out in issue #1, due on April 15 just like your taxes.