Toys & Collectibles

Closely Knit Cuties: Super Impulse Zumbies Collectible Dolls

#superimpulse #zumbies
Super Impulse’s Zumbie dolls return from the afterlife with “good juju” to share.

Poised on the precipice of the autumnal equinox as we are, it’s time to launch our annual look at new goodies for the upcoming holidays.  First up, a very appropriate collectible for the season of long shadows and scary yarns.

High Thread Count…

Super Impulse (SI) are noted for their marvelous miniature representations of toys past and present. This season they’ve revived a collector’s item from 2012. The Zumbies. These tiny button-eyed and twine-haired yarn wrapped dolls are certainly creepy but undeniably cute as well. 

#superimpulse #zumbies
Nothing beats a good yarn. Super Impulse’s Zumbie dolls have unique stories to tell.

Crewel Intentions?…

 If you’re expecting the diminutive dollies to pop out your granny’s sewing basket and skewer your noggin with a knitting needle, think again. Zumbies have returned from the afterlife to offer you positive vibes based on their own life lessons and less than heroic demises.

As Super Impulse President Alan Dorfman notes “Zumbies are all about good juju from second chances.”

Sew Alive…

SI’s Zumbies are approximately 3 inches tall. Each comes packaged with a collector card that delineates the tale of their luckless life and dubious death.  For instance childless cat lady Unmatched Madeline spent a lifetime helping friends find their perfect partner but passed on before her school days crush of 75 years ago finally reached out. She returns with a load of lucky true love juju for you.

Like many classic novelty items, they all have a ball-link chain attached. So you’ll the opportunity to keep them close by when a little kiss of kismet could come in handy. Hang ‘em on your book bag on test day or pop ‘em in your purse or jacket pocket for that next blind date or job interview.

#superimpulse #zumbies
Each Zumbie comes in a see through wrapper with a trading card.

Spin Room…

The six different Zumbies in Series 1 each offer a unique lucky expertise. Here’s the breakdown based on Super Impulse’s press release.

Unsatisfied Sally will help you see the true beauty in yourself and others!

Untalented Talia will make sure your talents take you all the way to the top!

Unmatched Madeline will help you meet your match!

Unqualified Quincy will ensure that you will never be the victim of your own success!

Unfortunate Fred will make his losses your gain!

Unnoticed Norman will give you a magnetic personality that will get the attention of anyone you wish!

BTW, Zumbies are not blind bagged, so grabbing all six for your collection should be a cinch.

Unmatched Madeline. Ever the spinster.

SkeletonPete Says…

When the Zumbies arrived for review, my first impulse was to begin building a miniature graveyard scene to photograph them in. I ultimately felt that was a bit clichéd and went rummaging through the home basement “archives” for inspiration.

Lucky JuJu was on my side when I discovered my Mother’s 1970’s era crafting container. It was filled with knitting and crocheting supplies. I even turned up a burlap pillow with a perfectly appropriate autumn corn field motif that she and I designed together.

Toys & Collectibles

Spuds at First Sight: Super Impulse’s Netflix Series Poptaters

super impulse, poptater, Wednesday, Netflix

I’ve been following the progress of Super Impulse’s (SI) Poptaters since their launch last year. I was originally grabbed by the shoulders and shaken at the sight of The Big Lebowsky’s “The Dude” rendered as a Mr. Potato Head. The absurd (and hilarious) conflation of Hasbro’s vintage toy line and pop culture characters was a true WTF encounter that turned me into an instant fan.

Like the original Hasbro Mr. Potato Head toys, Poptaters are modular at heart. Each one of the figures can trade parts with any of the others. The use of all plastic pieces (including the body) has long ago eliminated the need to raid the family vegetable bin and mangle real produce. 

Each SI Poptater comes in a reusable display cylinder for easy storage. More details are in our first feature about them.

super impulse, poptater, Wednesday, Netflix
Characters from Netflix Series Squid Games, Wednesday and Stranger Things
get “taterized.” (Image Courtesy of Super Impulse)

Adding to the character selection Super Impulse has recently announced a new group of Netflix series related figures. These include Dustin ( Gaten Matarazzo) from Stranger Things, Squid Games’ giant robotic Doll and player 451, and Wednesday (Jenna Ortega) from the show of the same name.

I first caught a glimpse of little Ms. Addams as a Poptator at SI’s during the New York Toy Fair in October 2023. It was another bulls-eye collectible for my taste, prevued in our Wednesday themed NYTF report.

super impulse, poptater, Wednesday, Netflix

Call of the House of Addams…

This week I had the opportunity to photograph the new Weds-tator on my tabletop studio. I was prepared to begin work on a corrugated cardboard set to create an appropriately creepy/spooky/mysterious environment for little Ms. Addams. Instead serendipity connected me with the perfect background element.

By chance, a close friend of mine made a “street find” in the form of a cool all-metal haunted house that he recently had spruced up. So, thanks to Bill for his kind loan of the Addams-y abode featured in these shots.  

Pure POE-try…

super impulse, poptater, Wednesday, Netflix
The Poptater’s reusable cylinder makes shelf storage and display easy.

The Wednesday figure comes accessorized with cello and bow, and her faithful right-hand companion, Thing. Her uniform is nicely detailed with the Nevermore Academy school crest.

super impulse, poptater, Wednesday, Netflix

There’s also a “mystery” item nestled inside the surrogate potato body. Accessed through a back-flap, you’ll find an original Mr. Potato Head part. Mine contained a big toothy grin. It’s certainly out of place for the decidedly dour goth-girl, but that’s what makes the interchange of personality parts wacky fun.

super impulse, poptater, Wednesday, Netflix
An original Mr. Potato Head grin was my mystery part.

SkeletonPete Says…

As the Poptater line grows I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a Universal Monsters license. What fan could resist mashing together a Werewolf from the Black Lagoon or Bride of the Metaluna Mutant?

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Film & Television Series Toys & Collectibles

Surrealistic Pillow: Lego’s DreamZzz Series & Sets

lego, dreamzzz, Netflix, toy fair, toy association, nightmare shark ship
The Nightmare Shark Ship is just one of the Lego kits based on the DreamZzz Series.

Dalí Swagger…

The Lego Company’s booth at the 2023 New York Toy Fair offered buyers and reporters a view of the breadth of the company’s original and licensed product lines. From Star Wars to Harry Potter, Ninjago to DC and Marvel Comicbook characters, each skew was featured in its own display case. Lego has products for all age ranges. The Duplo series is aimed at 1 1/2 to 5 year olds, while the 6,167 piece Lord of the Rings Rivendell set was named the Toy Association’s Grown Up category winner of the 2023 Toy of the Year (TOTY) Awards. 

Toys & Collectibles

Little Things Mean A Lot: Think Super Impulse Miniatures for Valentine and Beyond

super impulse, miniature toys, Valentine's Day, collectibles
Super Impulse novelties will help you stay out from behind the 8 ball on Valentine’s Day.

My Tiny Valentine…

I’m not a prognosticator, but I can predict your future accurately if you manage to overlook Valentine’s Day. I know, I know! It seems like you just used all your brain cells picking out the perfect holiday gifts for your loved ones. Now V-Day has snuck up on you with an equally important task. If you’re still scratching your head for an answer at this moment, I suggest you think small. 

Toys & Collectibles

‘Tater Skins: Super Impulse Poptaters Offer an Array of Fan Favorites

super impulse, sweet suite, toys, hasbro, mister potato head, the toy insider, the pop insider

Hot Mash…

Super Impulse, famous for their line of impossibly small replicas of iconic toys, games and products, showed off a basket full of their Poptaters at the recent Toy Insider Sweet Suite Event.

Poptaters are a mash-up of Hasbro’s Mr. Potato Head and the world of pop culture personalities. A bit bigger than SI’s usual licensed collectibles, Poptaters feature characters from fandoms both obvious and surprisingly obscure. There are also generational leaps from Boomers to Gen A giving the product a wide appeal.