Toys & Collectibles

You Spin Me Right ‘Round: WowWee’s Dual Natured Grimlings

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WowWee’s Grimling Junkyard The Dog in a rude mood.
Toys & Collectibles

Checking It Twice: Toy Association Lists 2019 Toy of the Year Awards Finalists

We know that the turkey is still hasn’t thawed out and there’s plenty of cooking to be done but with Black Friday fast approaching you may be in a bit of a panic to know what exactly to tell Santa Claus is a priority on your child’s wishlist. Fortunately The Toy Association, Inc. has just released its list of top toys in the running for their Annual Toy of the Year Award.

SkeletonPete Says Toys & Collectibles

Space Truckin’: HEXBUG nano Explores the Galaxy

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HEXBUG nano Space adds an intergallactic factor to the popular miniature robotics product line.
Toys & Collectibles

Up and Atom: Thames & Kosmos’ “Happy Atoms” Adds Android App

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Thames and Kosmos’ “Happy Atoms” combines physical and digital components for molecular exploration.

Combine and Define…
This interesting experimental kit from Thames and Kosmos first came to our attention at The Toy Association’s annual Toy Fair this year. Happy Atoms is a safe and fun method of exploring the chemical foundations of the world around us. The game oriented analog and digital kit allows young scientists to build combinations of atoms and elements from a bag full of magnetic physical representations. Then they can explore the molecular properties of their creations via a downloadable application.  It is perfect in a S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) classroom as well as at home on the kitchen table. Happy Atoms comes in a choice of three kit versions, the Complete Set, Introductory Set and the Educator’s Bundle. The App is a Free download.