Toys & Collectibles

Split Personalities: LearnPlay’s HalfToy Dinosaurs

learn play, halftoys, dinosaur, toys,
Better By Half…
I first saw the wonderful HalfToys creatures at The Toy Association‘s New York ToyFair back in 2017 and instantly fell in love with the look as well as the concept. So I was especially pleased when early in October this year LearnPlay (the exclusive United States distributor of HalfToys) reached out to solicit the first wave of the product line.

Toys & Collectibles

Roar Ramp: Untamed T-Rex Joins the Fingerlings Family

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Wowwee’s Tiny T-Rexes join the Untamed Fingerlings line.

It’s a King Thing…

Toys & Collectibles

UN-ADULT-erated Fun: Toy Insider’s Sweet Suite 2017

sweet suite 2017, toy insider
Orders of the day at Sweet Suite 2017, were fun and easy to follow.

If you’ve watched a television news or talk show segment about toy trends in the last couple of year’s it’s almost certain you’ve seen “Toy Insider Mom” Laurie Schacht doing the demonstrations. Laurie and the Toy Insider team have built a reputation as the go-to mavens for broadcast and online information about what’s hot on the horizon of play. Toy Insider’s pre-gifting season lists point to the best of what’s on the market. Their hashtag, #WeKnowPlay, is not a boast – it’s a fact.