If you’ve watched a television news or talk show segment about toy trends in the last couple of year’s it’s almost certain you’ve seen “Toy Insider Mom” Laurie Schacht doing the demonstrations. Laurie and the Toy Insider team have built a reputation as the go-to mavens for broadcast and online information about what’s hot on the horizon of play. Toy Insider’s pre-gifting season lists point to the best of what’s on the market. Their hashtag, #WeKnowPlay, is not a boast – it’s a fact.
Over the last several years Toy Insider has hosted summer and fall gatherings (Sweet Suite and Holiday of Play, respectively) for press outlets. Reporters are afforded direct contact with dozens of toy vendors and experience their newest products first hand. Andy and I, along with our metal-mongering compadre Ken Pierce, just returned from Sweet Suite 2017 and have plenty to report.
The toy/play market is overflowing with merchandise for all tastes and age levels. J.C. Penny has just announced an expansion of both their brick and mortar and online toy and game departments in anticipation of the 2017 gifting season.
While augmented reality and S.T.E.A.M. tech has been quickly adopted into t’ween aimed products, there are also dozens of beautifully produced choices for juveniles building their gross and fine motor skills. Then there are those plush companions that simply require a cuddle.
Board games are once again burgeoning with themes aimed at sharpening cognition and family bonding in the guise of friendly competition. Collector’s of all age groups have never had more options to fill their display shelves with items from the most popular to the most obscure film, television, and gaming franchises.
Andy and I will be sharing our favorites with you over the next few weeks. You can expect exclusive photo galleries brimming with visual goodies and up to the minute details about product features and release dates.
In the meantime please enjoy the eye-popping array of Sweet Suite sights below.