Toys & Collectibles

Split Personalities: LearnPlay’s HalfToy Dinosaurs

learn play, halftoys, dinosaur, toys,
Better By Half…
I first saw the wonderful HalfToys creatures at The Toy Association‘s New York ToyFair back in 2017 and instantly fell in love with the look as well as the concept. So I was especially pleased when early in October this year LearnPlay (the exclusive United States distributor of HalfToys) reached out to solicit the first wave of the product line.

Toys & Collectibles

Roar Ramp: Untamed T-Rex Joins the Fingerlings Family

wowwee, untamed, t-rex, fingerlings
Wowwee’s Tiny T-Rexes join the Untamed Fingerlings line.

It’s a King Thing…

Film & Television Series Toys & Collectibles

When You Wish Upon a ‘Saur: TOMY’s Dino Goodies

the good dinosaur, tony toys, disney, pixar, holiday of play, toy insider, woman's day magazine
“The Good Dinosaur” Arlo, the young hero of Disney/Pixar’s newest collaboration.

Kid Dino-Mite…
Between the rush of excitement and that Japanese language course you took to help dissect the nuances of the recent Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer, you might have missed The Walt Disney Company sliding another film in under your noses. The Pixar collaboration titled The Good Dinosaur has been brewing in the background for some time. Now, with the kinks worked out of its bones, it will hit theaters, on November 25, 2015, as a sweet Thanksgiving dessert for your youngsters.