Toys & Collectibles

Go Figure: Mezco Toyz 2017 “One:12 Collective” Preview

mezzo toyz, one:12 collective, doctor strange
Strange Days Indeed. This beautiful rendition of Marvel Comic’s Dr. Strange will join Mezco’s One:12 Collective.

The Toy Industry Association’s (TIA) 114th North American International Toy Fair in New York City is less than 24 hours away and as always we are preparing to bring you coverage of the newest products and toy trends for the latter year gifting season. Cameras are packed, lenses are polished, and we’re stocking up on energy bars for the 4 day foray that encompasses the entire Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and parts beyond.

Another Fine Mez…
Thanks to the fine folks at Mezco Toyz we got an amazing head start. Their recent sneak peek event (held at their outer borough Fortress of Solitude) afforded the opportunity to grab lots of unfettered photos of their upcoming offerings. This post will reveal the additions to their One:12 Collective, but you can expect plenty of pix of Living Dead Dolls and other licensed goodies to appear here as well. Keep in mind this is an advance look and many of these prototypes are still pending licensor approval.

Great for Play, Great for Display…
If you’ve spent any time on this site over the last couple of years you already know that I’m a big fan of Mezco’s One:12 Collective line. These approximately 6 inch figures are fully articulated, incredibly detailed, and come with an expanded selection of extras. They are boxed in nicely designed display cases but you won’t want to leave them in the box because they are so much fun to pose and play with. Extra heads and hands expand the posing possibilities and specialty items like The Joker‘s chattering teeth gag, Superman‘s bottled City of Kandor, Shazam‘s Mr. Mind, and Evil Dead‘s flipping-you-off corpse hand are pure gold for collectors.

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Shazam’s Mr. Mind and Mr. Atom are just a couple of examples of the extras that make the One:12 Collective so special.

This Is A Gurl’s Wurld…
2017 will see the release of the first two One:12 female characters with film versions of Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad. Harley has a fun, bubble gum blowing, alternate head and her full regalia of tattoos are transcribed. I think it likely that Mezco will add their various comic book continences in the future.
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Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, prepares to beat on the brat with a baseball bat. One:12 Collective “Suicide Squad” version.

So Far Out, You’ve Never Been In…
The modular nature of the product line allows the company to offer multiple versions of characters like Captain America, Daredevil and The Flash and also to dive deeper into the nooks and crannies of pop culture than ever before. So, while we are treated to an array of classic DC and Marvel Comics characters we also get a chance to own the slightly left of center Space Ghost and Popeye, which was an unexpected and welcome surprise.

mezzo toyz, one:12 collective, toy fair 2017
Super criminal Diabolik shows off his dangerous knife wielding skills.

Caveman in a Spaceship…
Your space age bachelor pad (that’s a 1960’s “man-cave”) won’t be complete without the outre cool Diabolik, the duplicitous pulp comic hero/criminal created by Angela and Luccianna Giussani and brought to the screen in Mario Bava’s 1968 action flick Danger: Diabolik. Seeing this character on display at NY Comic Con last fall made me realize that anything was possible in this product line. Thanks Mr. Mez.

BTW, since we’re dipping into 1960’s Euro comic and film characters I’ll put in my bid for a Barbarella (and the angelic Pygar for good measure) – please, please, please.

SkeletonPete Says…
If you’ve never seen Danger:Diabolik, you owe yourself a view. It is the epitome of 1960’s Euro-Psychedelic-Spy films. It’s ablaze with director Mario Bava’s color design and maestro Ennio Morricone’s soundtrack is one of my favorites.

For aficionados I recommend Roman Coppola’s tongue in cheek CQ, (2002) which tells a fictionalized behind the scenes tale of the production of such a film with an awesome modern homage soundtrack by Mellow.

Mezco One:12 Collective Galleries

mezzo toyz, one:12 collective, toy fair 2017
Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective Preview 2017

One:12 Collective – Marvel Comics

One:12 Collective – DC Comics

One:12 Collective – Film and Television

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