Art Photography SkeletonPete Says

Amazing Journey: American Museum of Natural History Previews Gilder Center for Science, Education and Innovation

American museum of natural history, the gilder center for science education and innovation
The Gilder Center for Science, Education and Innovation melds unique organic architecture with the classic facades of The American Museum of Natural History. (Images © 2023 Peter M. Parrella)

Come on the Amazing Journey….

I know quoting a song by The Who is pretty cliché for me, but I could not think of a better description of my experience at the newest wing of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City. The Gilder Center for Science, Education and Innovation will open its doors to the world at large on May 4th, 2023, but reporters were gathered on April 26th for an advance look.

Film & Television Series Photography Toys & Collectibles

Better Run Through the Jungle: Noble Collection Meets Universal Monsters

It’s Monster Monday Again!

noble toys, the noble collection, bendy figs, universal monsters, action figures, hobby crafts, toy photography
The Noble Collection’s Creature From the Black Lagoon Bendy Fig captured in
a paper craft jungle.

“A sleepy lagoon, a tropical moon, and two on an island” is how the lyrics of the 1940 Number 1 hit song imagines a jungle paradise. That’s certainly not what Julie Adams and Richard Carlson encountered when their archeological team traveled down the Amazon in the now classic 1954 monster movie The Creature from the Black Lagoon. It was way more of a creepy lagoon and prehistoric goon experience.  

Music Photography

Love Is Blue: Hannah Reimann’s Healing Journey thru the Joni Mitchell Songbook

joni mitchell, hannah reimann, both sides now
Singer Hannah Reimann presentss songs from Joni Mitchell’s early career in the stage show Both Sides Now.

Both Sides Now: Songs of Joni Mitchell 1966 – 1974

Hannah Reimann, Lead Vocals, Piano and Dulcimer
Michele Temple, Guitars and Backing Vocals

Austin Pendleton, Director

Irondale Center
85 South Oxford Street, Brooklyn, New York 11217

Film & Television Series Photography Toys & Collectibles

Get Your Wings: Playmobil Reveals Hidden World Dragons Toys

playmobil, dreamwork, dragons the hidden world, how to train your dragon
Playmobil action figures of Dragons heroes Toothless and Hiccup soar into battle.

Dreamworks Got a Brand New Drag…

Film & Television Series Photography SkeletonPete Says Toys & Collectibles

Terrapin Terrors: Playmates’ TMNT Monsters + Mutants Figures

teenage mutant ninja turtles, nickelodeon, playmates toys
Playmates Toys’ TMNT Mickey Werewolf is on the prowl this Halloween