Toys & Collectibles

Split Personalities: LearnPlay’s HalfToy Dinosaurs

learn play, halftoys, dinosaur, toys,
Better By Half…
I first saw the wonderful HalfToys creatures at The Toy Association‘s New York ToyFair back in 2017 and instantly fell in love with the look as well as the concept. So I was especially pleased when early in October this year LearnPlay (the exclusive United States distributor of HalfToys) reached out to solicit the first wave of the product line.

Toys & Collectibles

Roar Ramp: Untamed T-Rex Joins the Fingerlings Family

wowwee, untamed, t-rex, fingerlings
Wowwee’s Tiny T-Rexes join the Untamed Fingerlings line.

It’s a King Thing…