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Death: A Graveside Companion, eidted by Joanna Ebenstein, featuring the Richard Harris art collection. (Thames & Huson 2017) Photo: © 2017 Peter Parrella
Spooky Sunday #6
78 rpm, afterlife, aurora plastic models, bollingen press, brooklyn historical society, chamber of horrors, day of the dead, death, death a graveside companion, dia de los muertos, eva aridjiis, evan michelson, french revolution, gramaphone, green-wood cemetery, greenwood cemetary, guillotine, guinevere, heinrich zimmer, joanna ebenstein, joel schlemowitz, karen bachmann, king bademagu, laetitia barbier, lancelot, madame tussaud, magic lantern, marie daunheimer, medusa, memento mori, mike sappol, morbid anatomy, morbid anatomy museum, orb photos, ouija board, plancette, princeton university press, richard harris, saint death, salome, sante muerte, seance, sharron taggert, skeletonpete, spirit photography, spiritualism, the anatomical venus, the king and the corpse, the raft of medusa, theodore gericault, victorian hair jewelry