Film & Television Series

Frightening Flickers: MoMI Halloween Event

museum of the moving image

The Museum of the Moving Image recently celebrated the essence of the Halloween season with a gala costume party held on the premises. Located in Astoria Queens, New York – a neighborhood linked to the filmmaking industry for over 100 years – the museum offers visitors a detailed look at the historical and technological gestation of the art of cinema.

Books & Graphic Novels SkeletonPete Says

Ashes to Ashes: Death: A Graveside Companion Book Release

green-wood cemetery, death a graveside companion, joanna ebenstein
Death: A Graveside Companion, eidted by Joanna Ebenstein, featuring the Richard Harris art collection. (Thames & Huson 2017) Photo: © 2017 Peter Parrella

Spooky Sunday #6