The Brooklyn component of the 8th Annual WantedxDesign (WxD) event launched last night with a preview that brought together hundreds of design professionals, students and press representatives. Hosted at Brooklyn’s Industry City (IC) complex the event will run from May 17-21. The weekend will include studio tours that open the workspace doors of over 100 local painters, photographers, printmakers, sculptors and video artists. Also available on the weekend will be shuttle busses to take visitors to the concurrent Manhattan Conference at the Terminal Stores. See the full program here.
Plant Sights…
When we think of school design projects what often comes to mind is the time honored task of creating the perfect chair. It’s quite a different story when you realize the table you’re collecting pamphlets from is covered with a fertile growing medium and is home to thousands of sprouting seedpods. Then design represents a much more expansive creative space. In this case an attempt by the Parsons Healthy Materials Lab to bring outside materials into our home environments. Along with interior and graphic innovations the WxD event features works specifically aimed at applying design to the betterment of the human experience.
WantedDesign co-founders Odile Hainaut and Claire Pijoulat note in their program comments “We’re excited to present our Conscious Design exhibit in Brooklyn, sharing human-centric, research based projects.” So it’s not just refining ergonomics and creating beautiful surroundings, the global vision of the participants runs from eco clean-up and zero waste initiatives to mobile neo-natal hospital units and sustainable food sources. There’s even a discussion of the best use of “L Space,” the areas below elevated roadways, like Sunset Park’s neighborhood bisecting Gowanus Expressway.
During the past 2017 gifting season, I made a point of trying to shop as local as possible. I found the WantedDesign shop at Industry City to fulfill about 75-80% of my needs with some very unique offerings. Since its inception the shop has moved from a sequestered corner of the winding IC ground floor to a “Main Street” attraction that leads to the food court. The store features a revolving selection of interesting goods, as well as a section dedicated to the products created by IC resident “makers.”
SkeletonPete Says…
We’ll be taking a closer look at some of the projects and products featured at the Wanted?Design celebration. I’m particularly curious about DOOB 3d Technology, a 21st Century photo booth that captures three dimensional, ultra lifelike, personal portraits and the Sausage of the Future healthy alternates to tubular mystery meats.
Future events at Industry City include a series of outdoor concerts throughout the summer, and the installation of an exhibit of the work of M. C. Escher opening in June.