Toys & Collectibles

Pong Unplugged: Fat Brain’s VolleyShot Offers Simple & Enjoyable Gameplay

Fat Brain toys, volleyshot, toy fair New York 2023, the toy association, skeletonpete, skill building toys
Fat Brain Toy’s VolleyShot at Toy Fair New York 2023

Slap Happy…

Despite exponential tech advances in video gaming, Pong is still my favorite. My Dad and I spent hours in front of our 13” black & white TV trying to stop that pesky pixel from getting past our paddles. That is what drew my interest to Fat Brain Toy’s VolleyShot during the Toy Association‘s 2023 Toy Fair New York

VolleyShot can best be described as a non-electronic version of Pong. If the ball gets past you – into the groove below your paddle – your opponent gains a point.

Toys & Collectibles

The Flirty Dozen: Toy Insider’s 12 Under $12 List

the toy insider, holiday of play, 12 under $12
The Toy Insider revealed their “12 Under $12” suggestions at the Holiday of Play event.